Web programming - new questions and answers

php - extract values from multidemensional array

Solution:It because that the {-code-1} is only use for 1 dimension array. For your 2 array, let use some code from
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php - Is it possible to "pirate" a session variable (I do not want to know how)

Solution:No, unless: The attacker had access to the storage of the session variables (usually the filesystem of the server, but could also
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php - DOMDocument need to search for an element that has attribute class="something"

Solution:Once you have a {-code-1} {-code-2} for a document {-code-3} whose children you want to filter by class you can do
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php - Using PHPThumb and Thickbox/Colorbox

Solution:Fixed it. Thickbox (and I'm sure colorbox as well) gets the file extension: {-code-1} added .php in there as well as the
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php - Avoiding including abstract class in a general 'bootstrap' file

Solution:First off - it's generally a good idea to stick to one class per file. If you're worried about performance,
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php - Using JQuery UI's sortable('serialize') after loading data in via .load();

Solution:If everything you posted above is being brought into another page via {-code-1}, then I see (at least) two problems: You're loading
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Print informative, well formatted mysql errors in PHP

Solution:This is really quite trivial for you to do it with a custom function: {-code-1} You will have to tailor it up and
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php - Function pointer to static class member?

Solution:Two options: {-code-1} {-code-2} It's planned (but it's subject to change) to be able to do this with reflection in the next version of
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XML file validation using PHP

Solution:Have you tried href="http://php.net/manual/en/book.xmlreader.php" rel="nofollow noreferrer">XMLReader? I recall this one as being pretty decent, though I don't think I tested
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php - Multi-tenancy - Create tables up-front or as needed?

Solution:Using an insert to test whether a table exists may not be your best bet, particularly considering the size of the
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